2 Things Your General Dentist Can Do for You

One of the things you may put off as long as possible is going to the dentist. This isn't the funniest thing to do but is a necessity if you want to have optimal dental health. It's important to remain with the same general dentist over the years because this will allow this professional to know your teeth well. However, you may need to have various types of dental work done over the years and knowing some things your general dentist can do for you is ideal.

Cleanings and exam

Of course, the key to catching any issue early is to have your routine cleanings and exam completed as recommended by your dentist. This will allow the hygienist to do a thorough cleaning of your teeth and this will actually remove any tartar which can cause significant issues for your gums and teeth if left alone.

Your dentist will then do a comprehensive exam that will take a close look at your teeth and additionally check for gum disease or cancer in the process. This is by far the best way to help your overall dental health remain in good standing.

Dental fillings

It's possible that you may have some small amount of decay at some point in your life. This may require you to have a tooth filled by your general dentist. 

Filling a tooth is not too painful of a process, by you will be numbed before it begins. The dentist will first do a thorough examination of the tooth that needs to be filled. This will allow the professional to assign a surface level to it that ranges from one to six. One indicates the least amount of decay.

Once this has been done, your dentist will use a small drill to remove any of the decay. This is imperative to restoring the teeth, and then the material that is necessary will be put into place by the dentist.

Keep in mind your tooth may be a bit sore after this procedure, but should get back to normal fairly quick.

The benefits of getting any dental work done or even an exam as necessary includes being able to find issues and get these repaired fast. The key to making this happen will rest in going to the dentist routinely. Be sure to schedule your appointment with clinics like The Family Dentist to enjoy all of the services available. 
