Why People May Choose Sleep Apnea Appliances Over CPAP Machines

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may have been alarmed when your condition was first diagnosed. People with sleep apnea usually have multiple episodes in which they stop breathing throughout the night. The cessation of respiration is due to the collapse of the soft tissues within the mouth. As these tissues fall into the throat, they can cut off the supply of air. Breathing restarts as the person wakes from his or her slumber and take a deep breath. 

The brain interrupts the sleep to cause the person to awaken and breath. Since the soft tissues are no longer relaxed when the person wakes, the airway is clear.

Sleep apnea is often treated by a CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) machine. The device releases a steady stream of air that helps the airway stay open while the patient sleeps.

Still, a CPAP machine is not the only device used to treat sleep apnea. There are sleep apnea appliances that can be obtained from your dentist. These devices hold the jaw and the tissues of the oral cavity in their proper position, lessening the chance of an airway obstruction during periods of rest.

If given a choice between a CPAP machine and a sleep apnea appliance, many people choose the appliance. Here are a few reasons why:

Sleep Apnea Appliances Don't Engulf Your Head

The headgear associated with a CPAP machine is not only bulky, but many also find it uncomfortable. Many people find it difficult to adjust to wearing a helmet-like device as they sleep. 

Sleep apnea appliances, like other dental appliances, fit inside the mouth. The exterior of the head is left free.

Sleep Apnea Appliances Are Small

CPAP machines are so large that many people do not consider them truly portable. The girth of the devices makes them difficult to take along during trips, especially if a person is packing lightly. Sleep apnea appliances, on the other hand, are quite small and can be transported easily.

Sleep Apnea Appliances Don't Require a Power Source

CPAP machines usually require a  power source, such as an outlet or battery. A person who is dependent on the machine may find it difficult to participate in overnight outdoor activities, such as camping trips.

A sleep apnea appliance requires no power source. Thus, it can be used practically anywhere.

To learn more about sleep apnea appliances and how they can benefit you, schedule a consultation with a dental office like Leidenheimer Dental Group Inc
