Crown Or Filling After A Cavity? How Your Dentist Decides

If you've had a cavity drilled, chances are you'll need something to seal up that tooth to ensure that further damage doesn't come to it. In most cases, people who get their teeth drilled will need fillings. However, in some cases, a dentist may suggest a crown instead. If you're wondering why you need a dental prosthetic instead of a simple filling, consider the following.

Severity of Cavity

Cavities vary wildly in terms of how bad they are. When a cavity is minor and on the surface, a filling is the preferred method of taking care of it. They blend in well with the natural tooth, so they're practically unnoticeable, and they're quick and easy to have done. However, if the severity of the cavity is too extreme, a filling may not be possible.

Depth of Cavity

The severity and depth of a cavity has a big part to play in which type of solution you're offered by your dentist. When a cavity goes very deeply into the tooth, it begins to invade the soft tissues of the tooth, like the pulp and root. When this part of the tooth is damaged, a filling is often not the ideal fix. Those areas of the tooth are very sensitive and filled with nerve endings. Placing a filling inside may irritate the tissues and cause further problems for you down the line.

In essence, if your cavity is very deep, you may need a crown put in. If your cavity is more superficial and stayed close to the surface - especially if it was primarily in the enamel of your tooth - chances are a filling will be all you'll need.

What to Expect

Getting a crown is no big deal, especially if you've already had your tooth drilled for the cavity. Your dentist will perform a thorough cleaning to ensure that no bacteria or debris is sealed in by the crown. A dental crown that's designed to fit the size, shape, and color of your tooth will be selected. Your dentist will put it in place and keep it there with professional-grade dental cement that will ensure that the crown doesn't go anywhere for years to come.

That's it! While a dental crown may take a little longer to put in place than a dental filling, the two are relatively non-invasive procedures and shouldn't cause you any pain.

If you're worried about needing a dental crown, don't be. Your new crown will seal up the tooth and ensure that it's not further damaged after being drilled. Talk to your dentist if you have further questions about what to expect from your new dental crown.

For more information, contact a company like Four Corners Dental Group.
