Why You May Need Surgical Tooth Extraction

In a simple tooth extraction procedure, the dentist just grasps the tooth with forceps and pulls it out (after administering local anesthesia). However, there are cases where the simple extraction cannot work, and a surgical extraction is necessary. Below are some of the cases that call for surgical extraction.

The Tooth Is Broken or Fragile

If your tooth is broken, then a simple extraction procedure can leave some of the broken pieces under the gum or within your jawbone. The same thing can happen with a fragile tooth that breaks during the extraction process. In such a case, it is best to opt for the surgical procedure to get rid of everything once and for all.

The Tooth Has Long, Curved, or Large Roots

A tooth root is the lower part of the tooth that is buried deep within the jawbone; the root acts as an anchor for the tooth to keep it in place. Some teeth have single roots, while others have multiple roots. The surgical procedure is best if you want to extract a tooth with long, curved, or large roots. Such a tooth can be very painful, due to the large forces required to extract with a simple procedure.

The Tooth Is Impacted

If a tooth is impacted, either the whole tooth or part of the tooth remains below the gum line. Genetic abnormality, abnormal bone growth, and dental overcrowding are some of the causes of tooth impaction. It is difficult to grasp such an impacted tooth with forceps, so the best thing is to have it surgically removed.

The Bone around the Tooth Is Dense

A surgical extraction procedure may also be necessary due to the density of the bone around the tooth root. Ordinarily, the bone around the tooth root is not extremely dense, and it is also elastic enough to allow a dentist to pull out the tooth. Unfortunately, dental problems, such as exostosis, can complicate bone growth and create large inelastic bone mass around the tooth root. In such a case, a simple extraction can cause too much pain and damage, and a surgical extraction is called for.

The dentist will evaluate your tooth to determine whether you are a candidate for a simple or surgical extraction procedure. Note that a simple extraction can turn into a surgical one if complications arise during the extraction. Your dentist will give you aftercare instructions for your extracted tooth; follow the dentist's advice to the letter to encourage fast healing after your oral surgery.
