How To Protect Your Child From Gingivitis

If you have a child, then you are likely concerned about the health of your son or daughter. Oral health is likely part of this concern, but most parents will be concerned about cavities and misaligned teeth. However, there are quite a few other oral health issues you need to be concerned about, and pediatric gingivitis is one of them. In fact, studies indicate that around 59% of middle school children have some form or mild to moderate gingivitis. You can easily prevent gingivitis and the following tips will help.

Increase Vitamin C Intake

Some forms of gingivitis, especially the type that attacks the teeth of young children is often associated with a vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that helps to keep the immune system strong. Specifically, the vitamin helps to boost the abilities of the natural killer cells. It also helps to keep free radicals from destroying immune cells, and it helps the lymphocyte cells reproduce effectively. All of these things help your child's body fight off the bacteria that sits around the gum tissues. Without vitamin C, the bacteria can thrive around the gums and cause inflammation. More and more bacteria will then be able to move beyond the loose gums until gingivitis sets in.

To help prevent this problem, make sure to provide your child with at least one vitamin C rich food a day. While citrus fruits contain a good amount of vitamin C, kiwi, kale, guava, and bell pepper contain more vitamin C per serving than citrus fruits do. Consider serving cut pieces of bell pepper as a snack after school and providing kale salads with dinner.

Provide A Water Pik

The flossing of the teeth is the best way to remove the food particles and the plaque from around the gums. Plaque and food particles feed the bacteria and removing the food source will help to prevent bacteria reproduction. However, proper flossing requires the scraping of both sides of the teeth and the movement of the floss deep below the gums. Many kids will lack the patience and the technique to get rid of all the food particles.

To help with flossing, think about purchasing your child a water pik flosser. Not only will the device help to remove food more effectively, but the water will reach below the gums where floss cannot reach. For proper use, make sure that your child uses the flosser at a 90 degree angle to the gum tissues. Low pressure is best at first as well until your child gets used to using the device. 

To learn more, contact a dental clinic like Round Lake Dental Clinic
