Why Plaque Keeps Building Up On Your Teeth

Are you wondering why plaque keeps building up on your teeth, even though you're brushing and flossing every single day? It could be due to you doing a few things wrong when it comes to your oral care and diet that you may not be aware of.  You're Using The Wrong Technique It's entirely possible that you're using the wrong technique when you are brushing and flossing at home. The best way to find out if you have a poor technique is to bring your toothbrush and dental floss in at your next dental appointment, and then show your dentist how you brush and floss.

Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening

Gone is the era when you had to live with discolored teeth. Today's technological advancements allow you to restore your teeth's whiteness. Amazingly, you can do teeth whitening at home. And while it might yield results, you have a better chance if you opt for professional teeth whitening. Here is why? Quick Results DIY teeth whitening could be cheaper, but the results don't come quickly. You have to be very patient to see any results.

How Can A Dentist Rebuild An Entire Set Of Decayed Teeth?

In dentistry, a full mouth reconstruction is a series of corrective procedures and restorations intended to rebuild a patient's bite. This can be the preferable (and perhaps only) course of action when a patient's dental health is in a state of advanced deterioration. Please don't be alarmed if you're in a position where you require a full mouth reconstruction. Although this isn't an ideal position to be in, modern dentistry has numerous options for restoring your smile.

4 Important Things To Know About Jawbone Condition When You're Considering Dental Implants

Patients who are interested in getting dental implants to replace missing teeth should understand the relationship between dental implants and the jawbone. You need to understand how dental implants can protect the condition of the jawbone and how the condition of the jawbone helps determine whether patients are eligible for implants. The following are four important things to know about jawbone conditions when you're considering dental implants.  Using dental implants to replace missing teeth can prevent bone loss in the jaw.

3 Unusual Signs That Might Indicate You Need To See An Orthodontist

Orthodontists are dentists who specialize in musculoskeletal dental problems. Hence, orthodontists treat dental misalignments and issues affecting jaw alignment and structure.  Common signs you should see an orthodontist include: Overbites Crooked teeth Overjets  Underbites  Nonetheless, orthodontists treat a variety of less common dental issues than the ones listed above. Thus, here are three unusual signs that warrant visiting an orthodontist.  The Cause of Your Sleep Apnea Relates to an Orthodontic Condition