3 Signs That You Are Suffering From Periodontal Disease

Are you confused as to why your gums bleed each time that you eat a meal? The unexplained bleeding may be the result of you having a bacterial infection, which is a sign of periodontal disease. You must get treated during the early stage of periodontal disease (gingivitis) to prevent it from turning into periodontitis, which is the severe stage. In this article, learn about the different symptoms that can be experienced with periodontal disease so you will have an idea of whether you have it or not.

The Dos And Don'ts Of Whitening Your Teeth

Everyone wants a beautiful smile, but discoloration can take away from that dream. Fortunately for you, there are many things you can do to achieve a whiter smile. As equally important as knowing what to do for a brighter smile, is knowing what not to do.  What Should You Do? There are several ways you can achieve a whiter smile. One of the most obvious methods is to have your teeth whitened by your cosmetic dentist.

Why Is Smoking Bad For Your Dental Implant?

You may have heard that smoking can be bad for implants, and it's true. Smoking can negatively affect your body's ability to heal after dental implant surgery, and smoking can even affect the implants after the healing process is complete. Knowing how your implants are affected by your smoking can help you decide whether or not implants are right for you, and if you will smoke with dental implants in your mouth.

Options For Fixing Tooth Problems

If you have discolored, chipped, slightly crooked or otherwise damaged teeth, then you are in the position of choosing the best way to go about correcting those dental issues. Even though some problems may not cause you pain or make it difficult for you to eat, they can still cause you a lot of grief from an aesthetic standpoint and you'll want to do all you can to achieve a great looking smile for yourself.

Tips For Dealing With A Dislodged Wire On Your Braces That Is Poking You

While eating something chewy, a wire may have become dislodged from one of the brackets for your braces, and it is poking you in the gum or inside of your cheek. If so, use one of the tips below for dealing with this problem. Push A Short Wire Back Into Place With A Pencil Eraser If the wire that has broken free is short, you may be able to pop it back into the wire.